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How to Know If Your Teen is Being Isolated

teen isolation

It’s vital to talk to your teenager if you are noticing the signs of isolation. Actually, even while talking to your teen one-on-one, it may be challenging to discover if he is actually feeling isolated. This is because many adolescents, what with their changing moods and feelings, may not answer questions directly or in a manner that may be clear to you. But it is up to you, as a parent, to get a feel for exactly what your troubled teen may be saying.

Of course, guessing what your teenager may be feeling all the time may not always be the way to go. If a dire matter is involved and you must be sure of your teen’s condition, do not hesitate to seek outside help for the matter at hand. But there are several ways that you may use to try and get more easily comprehendible answers from your teenager. 

Getting Answers from your Teen

A first and significant way is by asking the right questions. How many parents have asked their teen the question- how are you feeling today?- and gotten a simple one-word answer. Many! Clearly, one may see how hard it can become for a parent to figure out if his teen is feeling isolated or not with such a reply.

The next step a parent may think of taking is to clarify his question asked and take it to the next level by specifying it. But it has been noticed that teens may often reply to these questions by simply adding a word more or two. In response to this, the parent may get frustrated and stop inquiring. But great patience is a necessity when dealing with a troubled teen! 

Open up to your Teen

An interesting way to deal with a teen who won’t talk is by taking the initiative and being the one to open up first even when you’re the one who wants to find something out. You could try telling a story about a certain situation of your own that may be related to whatever matter your teenager may be concerned with at present. 

A relaxed, conversational tone may prove most effective in opening your adolescent up to you. After telling your story, you may then try and ask your teen about his opinion of the situation or what he may think about it. From here, you can get a feel for his answers to figure out how he may really be feeling. Awareness is a key tool.

Your story may even give rise to questions in your teen’s mind. Let him ask these questions, for even in his own questions you may find answers. Be wary of exactly what he wants to find out about your story. Details like this can point to a clear direction as to how he may be feeling.

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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