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Struggling Teen Help

The parents of troubled teens are often distracted by the behavior and actions of their child, which is totally understandable. Parents of troubled teens are often distracted by many of life’s other pressures, such as career and running a household. Way too many times prayer and times of focused prayer become a luxury.

Unfortunately, the very best weapon of protection and provision of strength is often overlooked and undervalued… that being prayer. Parents of troubled teens need to put prayer as their number one priority… focused prayer. In the midst of the battle, we need to know God’s plan and His strategy… victory only comes through understanding the heart of God. Please enjoy the following encouraging word from one of our specialists.

The Focus of a Praying Church by Sandy Brunson. Sandy Brunson is Troubled Teen Search Directory of Ministry. As we all seek Him, in one accord, to learn to pray as Jesus prayed and as the Bible teaches us, by the Holy Spirit; our prayers will become focused to the point which He is directing them.

FOCUS means: a central point of attention and activity. A point at which rays of light, heat or energy meet; point of concentration, or convergence; core, heart, hub, axis, pivot, center of attention!!

The point of concentration, or center of attention of a praying church! What is it? It is a focus of prayer upon all nations….all peoples! All ages, all cultures, all generations, all families, all tribes.


Prayer on behalf of others…. others who may be different than we are in some respect. But prayer for their salvation and conformity to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ!! The church of the Lord Jesus Christ is called to be a “House of Prayer for ALL NATIONS!” We are to stand in the gap…. intercede, pray, cry out, plead, implore, travail for all lost people, and for all who do not walk holy before the Lord as He wills!

A prayer for people to AWAKE! ARISE! ALERT! ALARM!

There is need for an Awakening in our midst, and in the world! An awareness and consciousness of Almighty God and His ways and purposes. A keen recognition of His dealings in the affairs of men and women, boys and girls. Of people, individual people, groups of people, relationships of people, families, neighborhoods, towns, districts, counties, states, nations, alliances of nations! God is interested in and has a plan for each and all of these things…. governments, institutions, places of refuge, of healing, of learning, of serving.

All these things involve the things that beat upon God’s heart daily…PEOPLE! People that rejoice His heart moment by moment and that also break His heart!

“O God, break our heart with the things that break Your heart….and fill our hearts with the things that fill Your heart! Cause us to be aware of specific things, realms of influence which you call us to focus upon on Your behalf ….as Your agents and ambassadors upon the earth. Your hands and Your feet. Your care and Your concern….Your compassion!!! Fill us with these!”

An AWAKENING will bring about the reality of these things in the hearts and minds of people everywhere all over the earth! We must be faithful to pray for all men everywhere so that His Kingdom and His will can be done on earth as it is in Heaven!

Has the renewal, the revival, the Awakening come yet? Not completely, not fully! So, HOW LONG are we going to pray, to cry out on behalf of its coming?

UNTIL IT COMES!!!! Daily, weekly, yearly…..UNTIL IT COMES!!!!

THIS is the focus of the PRAYING CHURCH! Keeping in mind every day that we are living in two realms AT ONCE! The realm of the SPIRIT and the realm of the NATURAL! Being “constantly aware” of the mind of Christ! Entering into His Presence, daily, through times of prayer and fasting to “watch and see” what He is doing…and to “hear” what He is saying. To be mindful and obedient to that so we can be about the Father’s business and truly BE A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL NATIONS!!!

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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