Therapeutic Boarding Schools For Troubled Teens - Hillsboro, Oregon

Zion Educational Systems offers resources for troubled teens in Hillsboro, Oregon, in need of therapeutic schools in Oregon and other troubled teen programs and services. We provide parents with comprehensive resources and information on therapeutic schools, wilderness therapy programs, residential treatment centers, substance abuse treatment programs, drug rehabs, transitional independent living programs, sober living homes, and aftercare recovery programs.
In many communities and states, therapeutic schools and programs for teens are not available or don’t serve the specific needs of every young person. To help parents find the information they are searching for, Zion Educational Systems also offers a free guide on therapeutic boarding schools for boys and girls in Hillsboro, Oregon. Our guide contains schools and programs that are available across the country.
Troubled teens who are currently falling into the arms of addiction, failing in school, acting out with siblings or other family members, suffering from low self-esteem issues, or simply acting out in odd or disturbing ways need support. Parents can find that help for their teen through Zion Educational Systems advocacy program. To learn more about therapeutic schools and programs for Hillsboro, Oregon, troubled teens and receive our free guide, please call today.
Resources for Troubled Teens
Resources for Troubled Teens
We have created this page to help parents of troubled teens in Hillsboro , Oregon. If your adolescent is experiencing emotional or behavioral difficulties, you will find a list of local resources below to help your teen get his or her life back on track.
Hawthorn Walk-In Center is a center for crisis services for all ages experiencing mental health or substance abuse issues. They have a crisis team, peer team, mental health response team, and substance use disorder team. They can also provide assistance finding ongoing treatment or care.
The City of Hillsboro offers family mediation services to have an impartial third party help you and your teen communicate. They also have a domestic violence response team if your family or your teen needs help or resources.
Boys & Girls Clubs, Inukai Family Club, offers various programs for children and adolescents of all ages to help them achieve their full potential.
Washington County Narcotics Anonymous is a mutual support group for adolescents and adults recovering from a substance abuse problem.
Nar-Anon Family Groups offers support for individuals who have been impacted by another person’s substance use or abuse.
Alcoholics Anonymous Hillsboro Area, provides youth and adults recovering from alcoholism mutual support to help each other maintain sobriety.
Al-Anon Portland, Oregon is a support group for family and friends of individuals with a drinking problem. If you have been affected by someone’s drinking, such as your adolescent, this group provides each other with mutual support.
Alateen is a support group specifically for teens who have been affected by someone’s drinking.