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About Zion Educational Systems

We help You find the answers to help Your child

We are Zion Educational Systems, we care about offering superb clinical programs that provide the best possible results for our students. We have been helping parents for over ten years. Our headquarter is in Idaho and we have other locations and resources throughout the United States.

At Zion Educational Systems (ZES) we focus on serving parents of troubled teenagers. We provide information on troubled teen programs, therapeutic boarding schools, residential treatment centers and facilities that specialize in working with at risk youth, troubled teens and do not support or offer draconian boot camp programs.

We work with parents who know their child needs a treatment facility where they can get the necessary care, continue or catch up on academics and take the necessary time to heal. Most programs we work with are 12-months to 24-months. Costs for these programs range from $250 – $1000 per day, depending on the specialty.

Recovery programs for drug abuse offer shorter term programs and are usually covered by medical insurance. Longer term programs like residential treatment facilities that offer both academics and therapeutics are licensed and typically do not accept health insurance as payment. Although some of the clinical services are covered by insurance, you often have to work with payers to obtain reimbursement.

if your family is in crisis?
Do you need immediate help?

Meet the ZES Authors!

Logan Mazzetia

ZES Author

Curtis Reed

Curtis Reed

ZES Author

John Baisden, Jr

John Baisden, Jr

ZES Author

Frank Samuelson

Frank Samuelson

ZES Contributor

Dustin Garr

ZES Author

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Teen Boot Camps

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