Residential treatment centers have many advantages over other facilities such as boarding schools for troubled teens, and group homes for troubled teens. This article was created to inform parents of troubled teens these advantages and why choosing a residential treatment center can have a significant impact on their troubled teen’s life. We understand that parents are only interested in the best care for their struggling child, and therefore, don’t want to waste their time and money sending their child to an inferior treatment program.
Residential treatment centers (RTC’s) can provide your child with advantages such as environmental and academic excellence, since many teachers must have advanced degrees in order to work in such a facility. Social education is another advantage of an RTC. Students learn how to act responsibly, citizenship and social responsibility. This of course, will provide your child with a strong character and allow them to grow emotionally and therapeutically as well.
Classroom sizes are much smaller in a RTC setting. With a student to teacher ratio of 4 to 1, children and teens are able to have a substantially larger face to face time with the teacher than they would at just about any other facility. This is able to create a familiar and friendly atmosphere, enabling the child to receive lessons and complete schooling with ease.
More Reasons Why a Residential Treatment Center May Be Your Right Choice
Teachers are also able to help students outside of the classroom and are more accessible at an RTC. This is very convenient for students that need extra help outside of the classroom. Students that need extra tutoring will receive necessary schooling outside of the classroom, and therefore, have less of a chance falling behind than they would at an alternative to a residential treatment center.
Extracurricular activities such as sports, music or art classes are also offered at most RTC’s. Children that live in a home where parents are gone most of the time will find a sense of peace and stability at a residential treatment center. Two factors that greatly benefit a child’s overall growth and development.Therapeutic options such as boarding schools for troubled teens and group homes for troubled teens may be a viable option, but parents need to look at the all of their options carefully. While there are many choices for parents of troubled teens to consider when choosing an option for their out of control child, residential treatment centers are among the best choices for their child.
updated: 11/01/2020