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My Teenager Acts Like My Friend But Doesn’t Respect Me

A relationship is ever-changing and can be redefined throughout your lifetime. Many people report their interaction with their parents improved significantly and they become closer after reaching adulthood. While a teen child is still living in your home and still dependent on you, it is important to keep the definition of your relationship as a parent and child—you’re not friends. That has nothing to do with being friendly, it simply means that ultimately you are the responsible party and accountable for the outcome. Disrespect is not something you should accept even in other relationships, so it should not be acceptable in your family. It’s similar to a work engagement with your boss. You have common goals, but the boss is responsible. Although, family is forever so a strong foundation is a much more important goal.

Zion Educational Systems’ Family Advocates know that parents today struggle with being a friend to their teen child and parenting at the same time. Is it possible to do both? If your family is in need of professional help, please call for help. Family Advocates are available anytime at 866-471-8579.

We Teach People How To Treat Us

As the adult, parents set the pace for the verbal exchange between their adolescent. If things have deteriorated to the point that you feel you’ve lost respect and control, it’s time to have a conversation with your son or daughter. You have to explain to them what you expect, how you will respect them, and the consequences if the agreement is not met. This is really different for every family and will be unique to your situation. Consequences don’t have to be punitive, you can make them something like, “you owe me ice cream” or “you take out the trash”. Remember, the point is to create unity and leadership. Zion Educational Systems has helped families learn to work together. Call 866-471-8579 for more information on how to open the lines of communication.

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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