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Helping Troubled Teens | Zion Educational Systems

Zion Educational Systems helping troubled teens

The parents of troubled teens are often distracted by the behavior and actions of their teen, which is totally understandable.  Parents of troubled teens are often distracted by many of life’s other pressures, such as their career and running a household.  

Way too many times prayer and times of focused prayer become a luxury.  Unfortunately, the very best weapon of protection and provision of strength is often overlooked and undervalued… that being prayer.

Parents of troubled teens need to put prayer as their number one priority… focused prayer.  In the midst of the battle we need to know God’s plan and His strategy… victory only comes through understanding the heart of God.  

Please enjoy the following encouraging word from Sandy Brunson. The Focus of a Praying Church by Sandy Brunson of Troubled Teen Search.  Sandy Brunson is TC’s Directory of Ministry.  “

As we all seek Him, in one accord, to learn to pray as Jesus prayed and as the Bible teaches us, by the Holy Spirit; our prayers will become focused to the point which He is directing them.”

FOCUS means: a central point of attention and activity. A point at which rays of light, heat or energy meet; point of concentration, or convergence; core, heart, hub, axis, pivot, center of attention!! 

The point of concentration, or center of attention of a praying church! What is it? It is a focus of prayer upon all nations…. all peoples! All ages, all cultures, all generations, all families, all tribes.   

To learn more about Christian Boarding Schools please contact us.

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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