Christian counseling centers throughout the United States offer professional counseling and therapeutic services to clients of all ages and all walks of life. Christian counseling centers are professional counsleing services offered to Christians and non-Christian’s alike Normally, Christian counseling services are staffed by professionally licensed therapists and counselors. Therapy and therapeutic services are not normally associated with secular counseling or secular therapy. However, Christian’s who are well educated, trained, and qualified as professional staff are made available to offer therapeutic services to people who are seeking emotional and spiritual help related to a whole array of mental health issue.Most of the time Christian counselors are trained as Marriage and Family Counselors, using Christ-centered principles and therapeutic modalities as mechanisms to heal and restore relationships.
Articles for Parents in need of Christian Counselors and Counseling Centers:
Is Love Enough to Help a Troubled TeenGirls in Therapeutic Boarding Schools in TroubleBeing Real in a Therapeutic Boarding School