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Being real at a Therapeutic Boarding School

Teen Challenge is a Christian boarding school for troubled youth. We will help your troubled girl, and troubled boy find themselves through Jesus. Your struggling teen will become closer to God through our help and coaching.

Being real is something that shouldn’t be hard for anyone, but we find ourselves striving for something different than ourselves. I always find myself wondering what it would be like to be someone else, when I truly can’t tell you what it is like to be me. Our society is to busy institutionalizing everyone, trying to keep everyone in their place, and setting standards on everyone. It’s like a blanket has been pulled over our heads and we constantly do what someone else is whispering in our ear. Being real means lifting that veil and standing on your own two feet, you no longer need to be spoon fed what you should do. It is difficult because many of us have been in environments where it was down right impossible to be ourselves. I truly believe that when we show the emotion anger, it is because we were spoon fed to feel that in that situation. But hiding behind that anger is what we truly feel and who we really are. Once we can all tear through our guard, or our “front”, we can truly become who we are and not what society says we should be. Being real is being honest with others and ourselves. It is defiantly not easy to be real, but when we are real it shows maturity and leadership.

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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