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What Teens and Parents Can Learn About Drunk Driving From the Sad Death of Dallas Cowboy Jerry Brown?

Is there a better example of the consequences of drunk driving that the sad death of former Dallas Cowboy Jerry Brown? The sad truth that in this case is that a man who was legally sober was killed in a car crash caused by the drunk driving of his teammate Josh Brent. Jerry Brown was well under the legal limit, but he made the unfortunate choice of getting into a car with a drunk driver and it unfortunately cost him his life. Teens can look at this situation twofold, firstly one player chose to drive while drunk and secondly a sober individual allowed his drunk friend to get behind the wheel. This is a completely avoidable situation which is what makes it so tragic. How many young men and women have made the same choice as Jerry Brown? Not only has this man lost his life, but his friend Josh Brent has that death on his conscience and is facing serious legal repercussions.

Liahona Academy’s therapeutic care for teens that struggle with underage drinking can save lives, please call now for a free consultation at 1-800-675-8101.

Underage Drinking is Serious Issue that Must be Addressed

The rise of alcohol consumption in adolescents leads to an increase in the amount of youth that are drinking and driving. Alcohol, despite its legal status in the United States is a seriously dangerous product. No matter the laws in place to prevent underage use, teens are still finding ways to become inebriated. Parents must clearly express the dangers involved. Sad stories like that of former NFL player Jerry Brown are examples of the danger alcohol represents, even in adults that are legally allowed to consume it. Another factor that parents can touch on is the lapse of judgment Jerry Brown showed that cost him his life. Allowing a drunk individual is dangerous and negligent.

Teens Need to understand That Alcohol is Dangerous

Struggling youth are drawn to alcohol due to its perceived harmlessness. Yet it is this exact mentality that needs to be stopped. The time to act is now, families need to stress to teens the dangers of drinking and destroy the illusions of fun with no consequences that teens attribute to alcohol. 

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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