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Therapeutic Boarding Schools for Troubled Teens | ZES

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Boarding Schools for Troubled Adolescents also referred to as Therapeutic boarding schools for Troubled Teens is a specialized option for parents seeking help for their rebellious teenagers. Call us today at 866-471-8579.

What is a Therapeutic Boarding School?

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Photo by Edgard86

These are academic-based institutions similar to traditional boarding schools that specialize in working with teens that are struggling with adolescence.  The main difference between a boarding school and a therapeutic boarding school is the student profile.  Normally, the best traditional boarding schools would not consider enrolling “troubled teens”. These are teens that are failing school, have minor legal issues like truancy, are experiencing emotional issues, or struggle with behavioral problems. These are teens that typically refuse to accept their parents’ boundaries or follow the rules. Often, rebelling against authority and in some cases where mental health issues are diagnosed are teenagers without the skills to self-regulate. Top therapeutic boarding schools are exclusively designed for troubled boys or troubled girls.  

The other area that differs is the fact that therapeutic schools offer a therapeutic component, and some de-emphasize the importance of academic excellence while they help the teenager to overcome their issues or learn new ways to manage their emotions.  The therapeutic student is considering enrollment because they have a special need that requires therapeutic intervention and academic advancement is still very important.  Some therapy programs are ignored, overlooked, and discounted. Christian boarding schools for troubled teens in California are an example. 

The problems teens are dealing with are so severe with candidates for RTS’s that academic advancement is not a priority. Residential Treatment Centers are more costly, more expensive, and the enrollment is usually longer in duration. Overall Therapeutic boarding schools are for kids who are emotionally immature and in need of emotional growth.  These students are not mentally ill and are not dealing with an acute mental health crisis.  

The Difference Between Therapeutic Boarding School and Residential Treatment Centers

Therapeutic boarding schools are much different than what you would find at a Residential Treatment Center (RTC). Residential Treatment Centers are primarily focused on mental health treatment and very little focus on academics.  With RTC’s the depth of the mental health issues are greater, and more acute.  

Therapeutic boarding schools are very close to traditional boarding schools, having extracurricular activities such as athletics, drama, music, horsemanship, and student government. Normally, Therapeutic boarding schools are more costly than traditional boarding schools, but not nearly as expensive as RTC’s.  

Therapeutic boarding schools either employ on-site therapists who provide therapy to students on an “as needed” basis or contract out these services with local therapists. Call us today at 866-471-8579.

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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