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Signs Your Teen May Have An Undiagnosed Learning Disorder

If you have a teen that has been struggling in school, it is important to watch for signs that they may have an undiagnosed learning disorder.  Through this article, Zion Educational Systems seeks to give parents the tools they need to help their teen overcome the difficulties they have been experiencing in school.  If you decide that your teen does need help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us today.  Our educational consultants will help you find the right program to help your teen deal with their learning disorder.  You can reach us today at 866-471-8579.

Signs Of Learning Disorders Parents Should Watch For

There are many different kinds of learning disorders, each with unique symptoms, but there are several general indicators that your teen may be suffering from a learning disorder.  It is very common for learning disorders to impact reading ability and reading comprehension.  If your teen struggles to understand what they have read or shows great reluctance to read, they may have a learning disorder making it difficult for them.  Another sign that your teen may have an undiagnosed learning disorder is if they are excessively struggling in one subject while performing well in other areas.  Learning disorders can make teens who are very smart unable to pick up certain subjects.  This is very frustrating for teens who are used to being able to easily comprehend material.  A final important sign that parents should watch for is an extreme dislike of school.  While it is normal for teens to dislike some aspects of school, if your teen shows great reluctance to attend every day it may be because they are dealing with a learning disorder.  This can make school extremely unpleasant for a teen.  If you’ve noticed some of these signs in your teen, it is important that you act quickly to get them the support they need.

Help For Teens With Undiagnosed Learning Disorders

Parents of teens with learning disorders need to understand how helpful professional programs can be.  The right program will work with your teen to help them overcome their learning disorder as quickly and effectively as possible.  At Zion Educational Systems, our educational consultants have extensive experience placing teens in programs that will provide the highest quality help.  If your teen has been having difficulty in school, you can reach us today at 866-471-8579.

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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