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Materialism, Selfies and Status Updates: How Our Culture Wears Down the Values of Teen Girls

Raising four daughters during the last 30 years has taught me two things: one, you can’t choose who they fall in love with, and two, every single thing celebrities in this pop culture tell them to do, like or buy, they will try. And when I objected, it was if the world was coming to an end. Now my youngest is 21, and guess what? They still follow pop culture, but now they have a new method called social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and such. The question I ask them now is, “Is it really good a good idea for you to spend so much time online?”

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Help for Parents With Troubled Teen Girls

Even in their twenties and thirties, my daughters still spend an unhealthy amount of time on their iPhones and iPads chatting away with friends or reading up about their favorite music group or movie star… at least in my humble opinion, or IMHO. I guess it’s fair play to now ask myself the questions, “Does it really matter?” I’d have to answer, probably no. I mean, certainly they could do more productive things with their time, but as long as they take care of their jobs and family relationships, spending a little time connecting with friends, updating their status, showing off my grandson’s cute new smile or posting the latest gay-friendly meme, it’s fine.

I do believe, however, this new phenomenon called social media can be taken to a dangerous extreme. Sexting through snapchat photos that are quickly erased are not safe – there are ways to copy and share. Some young girls are coerced into send revealing photos because of a promise of love from a boy, only to find out that she has become the victim of a prank. This would be embarrassing for anyone, but young girls struggling with acceptance are particularly vulnerable. So now my one piece of advice to my daughters is, just be smart and don’t do anything that you might regret later on.

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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