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God says, ” I want you!” | Troubled Teens with a Ministry Wendy Rogers, co-founder of Zion Educational Systems

helping troubled teens

Wendy Rogers, a parent coach, restoring families and destiny states, “God is calling forth a new generation of people (troubled teens) to serve the nations with love, mercy, and grace. God is calling out to troubled teenagers, “I want you!” Its a call of obedience to the Spirit of Truth, and abandonment to our selfish nature.  God is calling forth those who are hungry, tired, and beaten up by an entitled culture of unsatisfied self-justified complainers looking for happiness and fulfillment through other people.  A call to this generation to stand up and make the difference, turning away from their critical nature, complaints, or “arm chair Monday morning Quarterback coaching”.  He is calling forth former troubled teens (selfish and self-centered young people) who are tired of being self-absorbed, and have found that 100% of their issues (problems) are self-induced through their self-centered and demanding attitudes (feed me, make me happy, give me stuff, don’t ask me for anything, and please don’t annoy me but keep meeting my needs).”All too often the troubled teens of America are self-focused, hypercritical of authority (they can point out the flaws and faults of people who are actually “do”, or at least attempting to serve the needs of others, yet they (the teen) have never done anything accept complain and be critical.  These troubled teens have never paid the mortgage, never paid a heating bill, have not paid for a car or insurance, and have never filled the refrigerator or cupboards with food.  They have not taken a sick loved one to the Emergency room, up all night and then have to turn around and go to work the next day.  They have not understood or experienced “responsibility or have been accountable to anyone other than their own appetite, yet they take the position of “critic” and evalute the performance of adults, authority figures, and anyone else that is actually “doing”.  They have the notion that they have a position to critique and explain how imperfect others are, but they don’t offer a solution or have any evidence in their life that would point to a track record of success.  How did this come about?Troubled Teens becomes aware problem all over the world, Zion Educational Systems, a website for premier school in America has helped Families that are struggled with Troubled Teens by teaching the tools of life for a better future, by restoring  families one at the time! In years past when our country was threatened by enemies around the world, the nation of America began to pull together on every front. Men joined the army, women took over many of the jobs the men left, boys and girls pitched in and helped in many ways, there was food rationing as well as other items as well. When the danger was high and “freedom’s way of life” was threatened, people put aside their differences and many of their selfish needs and pulled together for a cause greater than themselves. One of the ways such campaigns were launched was through the use of the famous “Uncle Sam” poster on which he looked directly in the face of the view and pointed his long finger directly at them. People responded. They answered the “call” and willingly gave of themselves to the tasks at hand. It was this “unity” of cause that strengthened the nation and empowered people to work together to build in dangerous and uncertain times. Even today, we have seen some of that in the aftermath of the horrible attack on 9-11! God is calling His people, and He is calling us to a greater cause than even the freedom of the nation we love! He is calling all who have received Him as Savior and Lord to rise up to prayer for the souls of lost men and women around this world. He is calling us to take a stand for Him, His Kingdom and His way of life in this dark hour in which we live. If ever there was a time our God needs us, His people, to rise up under the “Banner of Jesus Christ”, taking a stand for righteousness and truth in our own lives so that we can be pure vessels of honor for Him and of prayer toward Him…it is NOW! I wish the times were simpler. I wish the dark storm clouds were not mounting up. I wish the “winds of war” were not picking up as they are. I wish we could just have a sweet little Sunday School lesson, say “nice things” and go home and take a nap! But sadly, that is not the truth! As we read the headlines, listen to the television reports, read the internet by-lines, only an ostrich could fail to see the ‘handwriting on the wall.” We are in for an unpleasant time around the world, and the protected nation in which we live and abide in “peace and freedom” has been drawn into the fray! We who are Christians must come forth to lift up our voices in prayer in this hour! God has called His people to awaken! He wants us to rise up, to be alert, watching in prayer with our spirits, and to begin to help Him sound the alarm that Jesus is coming! As the people of God, we must be ready!  We must be willing to answer every call that He sends forth in these perilous days! I have often written on a subject to which I “hear” God calling to us, His People: “AWAKE! ARISE! ALERT! ALARM!” and it still stands today. God is calling each of us to answer that call in our hearts! The deeper we get to the times of peril and turmoil we are hearing about through the news media, the more obvious the message is to everyone. We are seeing and hearing of many “End Time” scenarios in our news reports today! In 1990, the Lord gave me four separate dreams of FIRE! In each one, I was in a burning building and I was trying to get people out before it consumed them. In every dream I warned, sounded alarms, pled, begged people to hear, and NONE would listen to me at that time! They ignored me, my urgent pleas, and imperative alarms. They pushed me away. They laughed at me for believing that there was a fire, much less that they were in actual danger. They were eating and drinking and reveling in a party mood, never accepting the truth of their impending doom! Heartbroken, I went away sorrowful for their souls; for I knew how real this danger was and how much the “alarm” was needed! I have cried many tears in these last 14 years over those “visions” and His imperative “words” spoken to my spirit , for they were from the mouth of Almighty God! Yet the people in the dreams were deaf and blind to the truth of His “alarm”! How He longs for people to “wake up” and get away from the danger of not living close to Him and come to the safety of being obediently under the shelter of His Wings. It was after these 3 sobering dreams, each coming over the period of a year, that I received the AWAKE! ARISE! ALERT! ALARM! word in a night of prayer! It was as if the Spirit of the Lord emblazoned this thought in my heart…and it has never left me, all these years! I recorded these piercing words in a personal journal and have often spoken them to Christians in the arenas of influence which I have been given. Each word is a call to action…and each word expects a response from the people of God! Recently, the Lord impressed my heart again with these things, so I obediently raise this banner once again. He told me to open my mouth and give out that which He has given me and to begin calling forth “Release” to His people….to begin to OBEY Him in responding to His Spirit in these things. His specific words were these: “Speak life! Release My Spirit in others. Watch as floodgates come down in people’s lives, and My Spirit will flow out of their walled up hearts – many years of holding back and now they shall begin to flow in that which I have called them unto!” “For the calling I have given you is a HOLY ONE, and NOW is the time in this darkest hour on earth to date for My Glory to begin covering the earth as the waters cover the sea. And it will be as My people begin to be released and give out that which I have faithfully given them that My waters shall cover the earth! Against the backdrop of world turmoil, My Word and My Light will shine increasingly unto an everlasting Day!” May each of us be watching and listening in our hearts to what the Spirit of the Lord is speaking to us today. He will never speak to us anything He has not spoken in His written Word, for it is the foundation of our faith and our instructions for living. Our God is calling and saying…”I want YOU!”  He is calling each of us to be obedient to the seeds of truth He, Himself, has planted there. Whatever He has asked of you, be it large or small…”Just DO IT”!   Don’t let the world “out-do” us with their Nike commercials! When Jesus comes again, may He find us faithfull DOING the things He has sown in our hearts over the years.Related articles Jesus – Lord of the Breakthrough | Troubled Teens and Making Heart Changes ( Truth will Reign (, The Valley of Decision ( of Hate are People Who Lack Emotional Intelligence ( Boarding Schools Review, Investigations, and Reform ( Therapeutic residential school for troubled teens in California ( Troubled Teens to Communicate Emotionally | Silence of the Lambs Pt 3 ( Teens Not Being Heard | The Silence of the Lambs Pt 1 ( Steps to Peace in a Really Bad Situation ( a Troubled Teen | Ugliness Became My Teacher ( Applications for Troubled Teens ( is What Stupid Does Teenagers Stupidity ( About Zion Educational Systems ( Against Craig Rogers | Love Your Enemies ( Educational Systems | Students Exercise Freedom of Speech ( Educational Systems Teaches Freedom & Individual Liberties (

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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