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Family Conference and Workshops for parents of troubled teens

Zion Educational Systems
 is committed to “parent coaching“.  We have developed one of the most powerful parent coaching curriculum’s in the country.  In an effort to restore the family ZES presents bimonthly Family Conference to our parents.  The ZES Family Conference is designed to rise up our parents and help them effectively parent a rebellious teen. Our parents committed to look deep within themselves to discover areas that could be contributing to the rebellious behavior of their troubled boy or troubled girl. Our parents are dedicated to becoming a catalyst of change, completing submitted to the process of family restoration. A Zion Educational Systems Family Conference is a key component in the process of restoring the families. For more information call now at 866-471-8579.

Zion Educational Systems is Here to Help Parents of Troubled Teens

The ZES Family Conference is completion of the parent coaching component.  In the first three months of a child’s enrollment, orior to the Family Conference, ZES parents participate in our weekly parent coaching sessions with the ZES Parent Coach.  Each parent is required to read and study our curriculum and discuss what they have learned with the Parent Coach.  These coaching sessions are deep, where parents discover the problems and issues that led to the dysfunctional relationship between parent and child. The ZES Parent Coach takes every parent through the study of Human Behaior (differing personality traits and temperaments) as it pertains to parenting, Parenting through Love and Logic, the 5 Love Languages, Choice Theory, and Parenting by the Holy Spirit. Often parents describe the parent coaching sessions as a life changing event.  Once the parent coaching sessions have been completed, and the ground work has been laid, the parent is eligible to come to the ZES Family Conference.

The keys to effective parenting are the development of an atmosphere of geniune love and concern, all the while being able to lead the child to make good personal choices and submit to the parents authority.  Parents also learn how to confront negative behaviors of their troubled teen, and to issue consequences for their negative choices. Parents have related that the Family Conference pulls everything together and empowers the parent to become effective parents of influence. For more information regaridnt the options that are available to you, call the professionals of Zion Educational Systems now at 866-471-8579.


Troubled Teen Pregnancy 

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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