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Alternative Treatments For Children With ADHD

A quiet revolution has been taking place recently! It seems that medical authorities, experts or gurus or whatever you like to call them, are waking up and actually telling parents that ADHD meds are just not sufficient and that behavior modification therapy or other psychological interventions are necessary alongside with the medicines. This is an opening towards a much broader and more enlightened view of ADHD which will eventually include alternative treatments for children with ADHD.What are the alternative treatments for children with ADHD available now? Apart from behavioral therapies which now must be used in any treatment for ADHD, there is a wide range to choose from. dietary programs, EEG biofeedback, herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies.The ADHD alternative medications which I think are the most useful are combining a homeopathic remedy with ADHD behavioral therapy. The amount of time that parents waste in trying to establish the correct dose of the mind altering drugs they are stuffing down their kids is incredible. They then have to worry about the child’s appetite, sleep problems, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, monitoring of heart problems. In many cases, their children may have few or none of these side effects but the risks in the long term are significant and have been deliberately played down by Big Pharm. That is why a homeopathic remedy for ADHD saves so much time and worry as it is the safest of the ADHD alternative medications out there. There are no side effects and there are no risks either. How do we know there are no risks? Simply because the drug companies know that and if there were, they would have financed all the studies on those to discredit the homeopathic cures. In many ways it is a simple choice and it also costs a lot less. That makes it, in my opinion, one of the most effective alternative treatments for children with ADHD.Maybe you know parents who are prisoners in their own homes? Maybe you yourself are subject to violent, aggressive behaviour on the part of your kids. There may be problems with defiance, disobedience, outbursts and abuse of siblings. I know other families though who refused to have their lives ruined and who opted for a behavioral therapy program. In using this program they learnt how to set up rewards and consequences, set up a behavior plan that both children and parentssign up to and a host of other techniques which saved their families from ruin. I would not even define ADHD behavior therapy as one of the alternative treatments for children with ADHD. I would simply say that it is an essential element in any ADHD treatment program and the all the medical gurus from the FDA to the American Academy of Pediatrics now agree with me!Robert Locke is a Health enthusiast who specializes in Children’s Health. He has written extensively on ADHD. Discover what alternative treatments for children with ADHD are available.

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