Brant grew up during the eighties, when unruly children were often quickly diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). With divorced parents who ripped him back and forth between homes, he resorted to acting out in school. His mother was distraught over his constant misbehaving and sought help. Eventually, he didn’t need the drug, but when he had friends who told him about the high it offered, he described the symptoms of ADD to his doctor.
He had heard people talking about how adderall had a high like cocaine and he wanted to find out for himself. If a patient does not need the prescription, they will react differently to someone who actually does. The effect can have the same results as illegal drugs.
Zion Educational Systems’ Family Advocates can help assess your teen and determine the best treatment. If your family is in crisis and needs immediate help, our Family Advocates are available anytime at 866-471-8579.
Doctors Dole Out Adderall Out Like Candy
Although a doctor’s recommendation may offer assistance for patients who really do need help focusing, parents should be cautioned their child may be using or selling adderall because of its similarities to cocaine. As there are no scientific tests for diagnosing ADD, a patient can regurgitate all of the right keywords to pass for a prescription.
For a higher dose, they simply explain to their doctor that they are not achieving the desired effectiveness. For a person who does not need it, they can experience a perfectly legal and easy to obtain high. There is not the typical hangover from cocaine and it is much safer because it comes in pure form.
Prescriptions used improperly can be deadly even if they are considered legal. Many times a counselor can determine if there are other environmental issues to consider. A proper diagnosis should be considered with the help of professionals and go beyond the scope of a “quick-fix”.