The Students of Zion Educational Systems all have their own unique experiences of Zion Educational Systems. The students speak their hearts through essays which we post in this category of our blog. The students that write essays share their heart with other teens, with parents of troubled teens, and with anyone out there who might gain or benefit from their experience. They write on all kinds of subjects, from leadership training to athletics. A few students have written about the restoration with their parents, and some have written about their experience as volunteers, helping the disadvantaged from the local community. All-in-all, the students of ZES have presented their hearts, as it pertains to their experience of personal growth and emotional intelligence. We are grateful to the students of Zion Educational Systems for writing essays about their ZES experience. Parents of ZES students are grateful, as most are brought to tears as they come to realize how much heir child has grown. Our staff recognize students for their accomplish, but when students have the opportunity to recognize the accomplishments of their peers they can do it by presenting an essay to this category of the ZES blog. Again, we are very thankful for the effort our students have given to capture their ZES experience on paper, and to broadcast to the cyber world all that God has done in their lives.
Articles about Former Students and Their Experiences:
Troubled Teens in Leadership Listening Skills Teenagers Today and Daily StrugglesEmotional IntelligenceDoing things I would never think of doing