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Troubled Teen Runaways – Helping Parents of Struggling Teens Who Runaway

Zion Educational Systems is dedicated to helping parents of troubled teen runaways.  Teens who runaway are in danger, and often bad things happen to teenage runaways, especially troubled girls.  Teenagers who runaway are often targets of criminals, pedophiles, and others that prey on youth.  The dangers teen runaways are so numberous that the only thing we can do in this blog is to focus on teenage runaway prevention. Preventing runaways is very simple, and it all rests on the parents and their ability to communicate. At Zion Educational Systemswe teach that parents who communicate effectively with their children do not face runaway problems. We encourage parents to focus a great deal of their efforts on communication with any troubled teen problem.  Prevention of runaway issues is based on effective child-parent communication.  Relating well with your troubled boy or troubled girl solves a lot of issues with troubled teenagers, not just runaways. 

Troubled Teen Runaway Articles:

Recession Drives Surge in Youth RunawaysWhen Your Teen Runs AwayTeen Runaways and Missing YouthA Growing Problem for Today’s FamiliesThe Runaway Teen DefinedTeenage Suicide Overview

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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