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Troubled Boys and Spiritual Truth

helping troubled teens

 Helping Parents of Troubled Teenagers is our desire.  Troubled Teen Search is called to be a ministry to parents of troubled teens.  Our job is to restore and to rebuild.  First we start with the troubled boy or troubled girl.  We restore the foundation that the parent established.  Then we begin the rebuilding process… rebuilding with integrity, honor, and trust.  Schools for troubled teens are in the business of turning lives around, but Zion Educational Systems does more.  We restore the troubled teen to their prosperous destiny.  How?  Through proven principles of Christ-centered leadership.  Please enjoy the following teaching by Sandy Brunson. We know the struggles that your family is going through, and we are here to help. For free information please call our admissions counselors at 866-471-6629. Avoid Hesitation When the Truth Comes As God’s people, we have the responsibility to respond to Truth obediently, for Jesus is Truth. (Responsibility = Respond + ability). We are to avoid hesitation when Truth comes.  By and through the Holy Spirit, we are given the ability to respond to it quickly. The Word of God is given for us to obey…it is not given for us to just “consider” and make a decision based on personal or cultural opinion. We are NOT to hesitate when God speaks to us through His Word. We are to step out and obey parents.One contributing reason many church people no longer respond quickly and obediently to the Word is because of constant television watching. The hypnotic force of television has deceived them in some significant ways. First of all, television is filled with “confusing, conflicting reports” about events in real time. Pundits and polls “decide” for the masses what is “true or not true”. Entertainment and fantasy, served up by audio and video, are very compelling; yet we have been “trained” to not take seriously much of what we see and hear on TV because it is so confusing, conflicting, and unreal. TV requires no honest response. People are trained to be “entertained” and often do not respond or take seriously what they see and hear. They fantasize about what they “want to be so”, living vicariously through TV personalities, or they just “cut it off” or “change the channel” when they are through with it, disagree with it…or are challenged by it. The power to “change the subject” is in their hand. People have the “power” to dismiss quickly what they have seen or heard if they do not like it. There is no thoughtful, careful, or honest response.  Another way TV viewers are “trained” by the power of television is they mindlessly receive a “lie” just because a personality on TV “says” something is so, and viewers more often than not, use no discernment. Their powers of decision are often crossed. To believe what TV says is true and to agree with it (when it is NOT Truth) is to be confused and deceived.  To believe or not to believe. Either / or. And to have the power to dismiss the rhetoric with the “click of a button” is to hesitate to act on what they have seen or heard. Though discerning Christians should exercise their power to dismiss untruth and confusion without hesitating, often because the masses are “trained” by so much TV watching of the entertainment of confusion and conflict….people also use their personal power to “dismiss” the Truth of God when He speaks and asks His people to not hesitate…but to obey quickly.  The enemy of our souls is Satan. He is called Apollyon, and He is the Destroyer. He has purposed to use commercial TV to destroy the nation of America and any people around the world who watch it continuously. He uses the likes of CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC and other networks to control masses of people. All who are not discerning and who are not led by the Holy Spirit are being “trained” by the television and the media are “confused”.  To consider the faces of men or their will is to consider CONFUSION , and this is a distraction. Jesus came to set men free from confusion and whom the Son sets free is FREE INDEED. (John 8:32) Do not be entertained or moved by people’s faces or the confusing and conflicting lies they speak. Consider not confusion, for its fruit is death. CONSIDER JESUS…for He is Truth and His fruit is LIFE! (Hebrews 12:2)  To walk in wisdom is to have insight into the true nature of things. To understand a thing is to know a thing in its right relationship. Having these is to be established in God’s Truth. Wisdom gives understanding. The ability to understand is the power to do it. Therefore, “Get WISDOM. Get UNDERSTANDING!” (Proverbs 4:5)  Those who are distracted from the Truth are “confused”. The “confused” live in confusion and make covenants (agreements) in confusion with other “confused” people. Their thinking processes are like unto people lost in a labyrinth. The cannot find their way out of the maze of confusion and conflict.  Stay within the Holy boundaries and coverings He has provided and set, and you shall have safety round about. Live by and in His Word which is Truth and which gives Godly wisdom. To not understand is to stay in confusion and be unable to do the things God is calling us to do.

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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