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Too Young to Die: A New Study Puts The Actions of Troubled Girls into Frightening Perspective

teen failure

A new mantra for a growing number of America’s youth is: Party hard, die young, and leave a good-looking body. A recent worldwide study on adolescent health trends found that America leads the high-income countries with the highest mortality rate for people ages 10 to 24. Not surprisingly, we are also tops in pot-smoking, ready to take over first place in binge drinking, all the while hitting the gym harder and more often than any other first-world country. More disturbing is the fact that the growth in binge drinking in the U.S. is of children under the legal drinking age, as compared to other wealthy nations.

Falcon Ridge Ranch helps parents find answers for troubled young girls. Call 866-452-8775 to learn more.

Help for Parents Whose Children Abuse Drugs

Compared to prior generations, teenage and young adult girls are now just as likely to exhibit reckless behavior as boys their age, something that is relatively new in American society. Young girls who deal with mental issues like depression and low self esteem are yielding to peer pressures, hoping that being a “bad” girl will improve their standing with the more popular groups. But mostly, they just get taken advantage of by uncaring boys.

Drinking, smoking pot and sexual promiscuity are often symptoms of emotional issues not being addressed. Parents who suspect their teen girls are acting out in these kind of negative behaviors should seek help from professionals. Left untreated while at an early age can have devastating effect on how they developed into an well-adjusted adult, severely hampering their chances of find positive romantic relationships. Programs like the one offered by Falcon Ridge Ranch can be a lifesaver for both the child and parent. Call 866-452-8775 to get more details.

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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