There’s obviously a difference between experimenting with drugs and being addicted.
However, experimenting is no less dangerous, since we hear stories every day of deaths of first-time users. And some drugs are so addictive, that they can lead to a lifetime addiction with their very first use.
Warning Signs of the Addicted Teen
There’s nothing more gut-wrenching for a parent than to deal with their teenager’s drug addiction. Just watch a few episodes of the show “Intervention” on television and you’ll see what dealing with an addict is like. It’s a constant nightmare, not just for an addict, but for the entire family. The lying, stealing, fits of anger, run-ins with the law and constant fear that the child will overdose can destroy and bankrupt a family. And it won’t get better without treatment and ongoing support, sometimes spanning the addict’s entire life. Sadly, each year more than a million teenagers need to go into substance abuse treatment programs. And just like alcoholism, many of them will struggle with that addiction throughout their entire life. That’s why it’s far better for parents to prevent kids from experimenting with drugs early on, before they get a foothold.