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Raising More Than a Wife: Throwing Away Old Values to Teach Teen Girls How to Become Strong Women

It wasn’t long ago that women were thought to belong in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. Now that might seem a bit extreme, but 50 or 60 years ago it didn’t seem that strange. My how times have changed. Women today are the heads of corporations, influential members of congress, doctors, scientists, lawyers, and we even have a woman who is likely going to run for president of the United States in 2016. This begs the question, “With these changes, are we worse or better off?” I tend to think that we are better. Just because we are moving away from “old” values, doesn’t mean we are moving away from the “good” values.

Falcon Ridge Ranch helps parents find answers for troubled young girls. Call 866-452-8775 to learn more.

Help for Parents of Struggling Teen Daughters

Depending on how a person was raised, people can look at the “equality for women movement” as either a good thing or a bad (even evil) thing. Some people still view the role of a woman to be subservient to a man. But think of the number of intellectual and compassionate women, who if kept out of business, medicine, or politics, would have never had the chance to make our world better had they not demanded equal access. Only now at the beginning of the 21st century are we seeing the positive influence of women on our society on a large scale. And for the first time we are seeing support from the majority of men, in this man-dominated world, who are working for equality for both men and women.

Young girls should be encouraged to prepare themselves to step into leadership roles on all levels of business, politics and education. No longer should they feel less qualified or embarrassed for wanting more from life. As parents guide children to understand how traditional roles are changing, it’s important that the example of what they are preaching is seen by their children in the home. And equally important is the role of a homemaker, whether done by a man or woman. It cannot be devalued. While women may choose not to work outside the home, what they do in the home is every bit as important any job. The main lesson for our daughters to learn is, there are no more limits.

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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