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Program for Troubled Teens | Red Rock Canyon School

Troubled teens often need more help than their parents can provide alone. Ther is tons of schools that can help your troubled teens including information and resources on wilderness camps, boot camps, residential treatment cents, therapeutic boarding schools, religious based residential treatment programs, alternative high schools and more.

A school we recommend that will help is Red Rock Canyon School. Red Rock Canyon School presents two separate premier residential treatment centers for troubled teens; one program for troubled boys and a separate program for troubled girls.Our residential treatment centers for boys and girls offer a safe environment where teenagers get back on track emotionally, rebuilding their solid foundation through education, equipping them emotionally and academically to experience a strong future.


Parenting Teens

Red Rock Canyon School

Family First Aid

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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Behavior Modification Programs For Teens

When adolescent boys and girls are at-risk with substance abuse, or behavioral issues, behavior modification programs, as well as cognitive therapy, can result in the positive changes he or she needs for a long lasting transformation.

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Teen Boot Camps

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