Parenting a troubled teenager can be overwhelming for you and your family.The first step toward understanding a troubled teen is to carefully analyze behavior. What happens right before the behavior, what happens during the behavior and the consequences of the behavior. When you understand the observable process of specific troubled teen behaviors, you can begin targeting the unwanted behaviors.However, it is important to remember that if troubled teen behavior appears to be the result of something beyond “normal” troubles, professional help may be needed. And even when you are getting professional help for your troubled teen, it is important to remember to create a supportive home, as well as one where rules are obeyed.For professional help we recommend Sunset Bay Academy for your troubled teen. Sunset Bay Academy is a co-ed Therapeutic Boarding School for troubled teens ages 12-17. We provide troubled teens and their families the tools to create a solid foundation for a successful and fulfilling life. TROUBLED TEEN HELP SITES AND BLOGSParenting TeensSunset Bay AcademyFamily First Aid
Behavior Modification Programs For Teens
When adolescent boys and girls are at-risk with substance abuse, or behavioral issues, behavior modification programs, as well as cognitive therapy, can result in the positive changes he or she needs for a long lasting transformation.