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How to Enroll Troubled Teens in Private Schools | Lava Heights Academy

There are a large number of quality private boarding schools of troubled teens that can handle a variety of common troubled teens issues. In order to get the best help possible for your troubled teen, know what the problem is and find a private boarding schools for troubled teens that deals specifically with teen’s troubled issues. Helping parents of troubled teens enroll into private boarding schools. Lava Heights Academy helps troubled teens ages 13-18 seeking a change in their life. For free information please call 866-452-8772. From Quick Guide: Schooldays, Schooldays About Private SchoolsPrivate schools account for approximately 24 percent of all schools in the United States. Unlike public… More  How Does Private Schooling Work?… More  How to Find a Good Private Elementary SchoolDo you want to put your child in a private school and not in a public school? Finding a good private… More  How to Choose a Private Elementary SchoolA private elementary school can be a wise investment, if chosen properly. Private schools offer small… More  How to Choose a Montessori SchoolStudent-driven education and a hands-on environment are two of the most common reasons that parents select… More  About Catholic SchoolsCatholic Schools are a major alternative to public schools. They are very inexpensive when compared to… More  How to Survive Going to a Strict Religious SchoolMany children are sent to strict religious schools not for religious reasons. These schools tend to… More  

How to Enroll Troubled Teens in Private Schools

There are a large number of quality private schools that can handle a variety of common adolescent issues.… More 1 of 8More: See All Articles in this Quick GuideDifficulty: Moderately EasyInstructionsStep 1Review the reputations of the private schools in your area. Research whether local schools specialize in the needs of your private schools for troubled teens. Step 2Find objective opinions about the faculty and staff at the private schools for troubled teens you are considering. Research the treatment methods and academic programs at the private schools in which you are interested. Step 3Decide if you want your troubled teen to go to day school or be boarded at the private schooqwqw`l. There will be a huge difference in cost if you decide to board your troubled teen. Step 4Visit the private schools with your troubled teens. Even though they may be troubled, the private school environment needs to be attractive to them. Step 5Project an upbeat outcome for the first day of school. Transition is difficult and will be emotionally uncomfortable for the whole family, especially the troubled teen. Step 6Check the financial aid packages that private schools offer. Often there are federal and state grants available. Also, there may be disability funds available. Step 7Complete all parts of the application package. If you have the finances and your teen meets the criteria of the treatment program at the private school, admission should be no problem.  Read more: How to Enroll Troubled Teens in Private Schools |,,,

If you would like to know more about therapeutic boarding school and other residential programs for troubled teens, please contact a family counselor at Zion Educational Systems for guidance.  To get started click the button below!

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