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Residential treatment centers

The Medical Dictionary defines residential treatment centers as, ” Psychiatry Health care provided at a live-in facility to a person with emotional disorders who requires continuous medication and/or supervision or relief from environmental stresses.” A residential treatment center is a temporary home for those seeking help with a therapeutic, or emotional ailment or rehabilitation. Individuals enrolled in a residential treatment center, receive personal care, attending groups and individual therapy sessions, training classes specific to the facility and perhaps a way to transition back into the ‘real world.’ Each residential treatment center is operated for the purpose of serving a specific population, providing solutions to the problems encountered. Have a question? Get an answer from a doctor now! When pertaining to troubled teens, residential treatment centers offer hope to emotionally and behaviorally struggling adolescents. Teens who display out of control, negative behaviors at home, suffer from mental and emotional disorders, or are currently battling addictions, are all good candidates for residential treatment.

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