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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety disorder. It can occur after you have gone through an extreme emotional trauma that involved the threat of injury or death.

Teens Who struggle with PTSD, are ill equipped in dealing with such terrible trauma, and often times, learn or participate in negative coping mechanisms such as, self harm, intoxicant usage etc. When these coping mechanisms are applied in order to deal with traumas, life long addictions are sure to follow.

It is imperative for parents of teens who struggle with PTSD to find appropriate and necessary therapeutic treatment. If ignored, serious afflictions such as PTSD, can forever alter the lives of young men and women. Therapeutic options such as, residential treatment, wilderness therapy and boarding schools for troubled teens are all viable and popular solutions.

When choosing a program, it is crucial for parents to do all the necessary research possible, making sure the chosen program is equipped to treat Post traumatic stress disorder.

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