/men·tal/ /dis·or·der/
Merriam-Webster defines mental disorders as : a mental or bodily condition marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, and emotions to seriously impair the normal psychological functioning of the individual—called also mental illness.
Common mental disorders or mental illnesses that plague troubled teens include, Acute stress disorder, autism, anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, attention deficit disorder, asperger syndrome, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, bulimia nervosa, childhood antisocial disorder, depressive disorder, dyslexia, impulse control disorder, insomnia, kleptomania and manic depressiveness.
Troubled teens often struggle with one or more mental illnesses. These mental disorders effect the behavior and decision making of teenage boys and girls. If left untreated, mental disorders will ultimately consume the life of an adolescent.
If parenting a child struggling with a mental disorder, it is imperative to seek immediate treatment for the child. Programs for troubled teens, boarding schools, residential treatment and group homes for troubled teens are viable options for parents to consider.