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Juvenile justice system

Juvenile justice system

/ ju·ve·nile/ / jus·tice/ / sys·tem/

n. Noun

The Juvenile justice system is the specific set of principles, procedures or laws. These laws are con a specific behavior or treatment dealing with young people usually of age 10 to 18 through the administration of the law or authority.

Juvenile justice is the area of criminal law applicable to young adults not old enough to be held responsible for criminal acts. In most states, the age for criminal culpability is set at 18 years. The upper age of eligibility to be tried as an adult is determined by the individual juvenile system of each state.

The main goal for the juvenile justice system is focused more on rehabilitation than punishment. The juvenile justice system depends mostly on the state of which is governed. The laws and codes vary throughout but are all similarly based upon similar principles.

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