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Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse

/drug/ /a.buse/

The definition of Drug abuse is the use of a medicine or other substance that has a physiological effect when introduced into the body improperly in a negative view or purpose.

There are many different types of drugs, and the misuse of these types of substances can be very dangerous and can be the cause of many different problems.  This kind of abuse can lead to many different impairments or distress.

Along with physical problems that can come from recurrent drug abuse, there are many other types of problems that can occur.  One effect can be a lack of interest in schooling and work.  Another possibility can be the failure to fulfill roles and obligations in different settings of life can.   Also, a poor performance in daily actions that may lead to legal problems.

It is important to face Drug abuse as soon as possible in an appropriate manner.  There are many different programs that are available to help fix these types of problems to rehabilitate someone’s life.

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