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Detoxification facilities


/de·tox·i·fi·ca·tion/ /fa·cil·i·ties/

Detoxification facilities, or detox facilities, are facilities where drug addicted men and women can detoxify from and recover from whatever drug they are currently abusing. The objective of detox facilities is to provide an environment for drug addicts to obtain full sobriety. Detox is usually used in conjunction with rehabilitative treatments or drug addiction recovery programs such as, rehab or residential treatment.

When pertaining to troubled teens, there are detoxification centers that cater to minors. These facilities are located nearly all over the country and provide a therapeutic environment for young adults or teens to fully achieve sobriety.

If a teen is currently abusing drugs treatment programs such as, programs for troubled teens, will either provide their own detoxification or suggest that parents take their child to a detoxification facility prior to enrolling the teen in their treatment center or program. Parents seeking treatment for a drug abusing teen should make sure the particular program they are interested in offers some sort of detox.

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