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Boot camps

The Merriam- Webster dictionary provided the following definitions for boot camps: A military training camp for new recruits, with strict discipline.
a prison for youthful offenders, run on military lines.”
a short, intensive, and rigorous course of training.”

Boot camps are also utilized by parents of troubled teens. These boot camps, or brat camps as they are sometimes known as, offer the strict discipline and intense physical training that traditional boot camps offer.

When referring to the treatment of troubled teens, boot camps have recently become an a treatment option for parents to consider. Boot camps are often times utilized by parents of teens who display out of control behaviors and are desperate for assistance in treating their child’s abnormal, negative behaviors.

The overall effectiveness of these types of treatment programs have been heavily scrutinized by therapeutic and mental health professionals. Boot camps are generally considered as a “quick fix,” and offer little or no long lasting changes.

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