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Merriam- Webster dictionary defines anxiety as: : an abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physiological signs (as sweating, tension, and increased pulse), by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about one’s capacity to cope with it

Anxiety is a very common ailment that almost everyone experiences on an almost daily basis. However, anxiety effects some more than others and can cause severe emotional distress that is too much for an individual to handle.

When anxiety plagues an individual so severely that it becomes a disorder, it is crucial that this individual receives therapeutic and emotional restoration in the form of psychological and therapeutic assistance.

Teens who experience abnormal amounts of anxiety, tend to self medicate with intoxicants such as drugs and alcohol. When negative, self medication takes place, teens are at great risk of developing harmful coping mechanisms that may be life-long lasting.




Anxiety is defined as the state of uneasiness or tension caused by the feeling of worry or nervousness caused by apprehension of possibilities of the future.

Anxiety is a common emotional trait that many people face.  It affects our actions and can prevent us from making decisions.  Usually anxiety holds us back from the types of things that are outgoing or out of our comfort zone and it brings fear.

Anxiety is a normal experience for most people and is a normal part of life.  However, when the anxiety reaches the level of a disorder then it can be dangerous.  This would include an intense, extensive, excessive and persistent worry or fear.  Another factor that is caused by an anxiety disorder can be anxiety, fear, or terror attacks when the intensity of anxiety becomes very high.  Types of anxiety disorders can include: social anxiety, separation anxiety and many different phobias etc.


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